Day 1 (Raw bench training and upper accessory)
Warm Up
- Cable Internal / External Rotation (2 sets)
- Cable Rear delt flyes (single arm) (2 sets)
- Prone Dumbbell Y raises (2 sets)
- Dumbbell External Rotation (2 sets)
- Barbell Guillotine Bench Press (3 sets)
A. Raw Bench Variation – Close Grip Bench to 2 brd – Trebles to 150kg, shoulder didn’t feel amazing so used the lightest slingshot I have to perform a few more trebles at 160/170 and 180kg.
B. Close Grip Bench to touches – 3 x 3 reps @ 75-80%
C. Close grip Tricep Hell, chest to 5brd (3 reps to chest, 1brd, 2brd, 3brd 4brd 5brd) – 3 rounds @ 95/100/105kg
D. Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (3 sets of 10 @ 32.5kg DBs)
E. Dips (2 sets of reps) Bodyweight.
F. Football Bar Inverted Rows (50+ reps total)
G. Lat Pull Downs (Wide grip) 3 sets of 10 @ 70-90kg
H. Seated dumbbell Power Cleans (performed like a cuban press) 2 sets of 12 @ 12kgs.
Day 2 (dynamic lowerbody)
Warm up
- Single Leg Reverse Hypers
- Standing Cable Crunches
- Front foot elevated Split Squats with iso holds
A. Dynamic Squats – Giant Cambered BAr Box Squats – plus doubled megamini bands – 8 doubles between 165 and 215kg
B. Dynamic Deadlifts – Speed Pulls plus elitefts light bands(orange) – 15 x 1 @ 40% bar weight
C. Double Pause Deadlifts (low shin and just below knee for 2 secs each) – 6 singles between 210-260kg
D. Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (twin DB) with intentional upper back flexion and extension – 3 sets of 10 with 32.5kg DBS.
E. Inverse Curls – 3 sets of 10
F. Hanging Knee Raises – 3 sets of 8 reps
G. Leg Press – 3 sets of 15 reps ( close stance, on balls of feet, maximum quad stretch) Added 20kg to last weeks weights.
Day 3 – Equipped Bench Day
Warm Up
- Cable rear delts
- Banded Upper back warm ups
- Tricep Extensions on cables.
- Pec Flyes with dumbbells.
- Arching over roller
- Hip mobility
A. Equipped Bench – after warming up raw to 180kg, I stuck a slingshot on for 5 plates, and then put my Mutiply Redline Bench Shirt on.
Set 1 in shirt – 260kg to a 5brd/4brd/3brd
Set 2 – 300kg to 3 brd x 2
Set 3 – 320kg to 3brd x 1
Set 4 – 340kg to 3brd x 1
B. Dumbbell Bench – 37.5kg dumbbells for 3 sets of 10 reps
C. Supinated Grip Chin Ups – 3 sets of 5-6 reps
D. EZ bar tricep Extensions (on bench) – 3 sets of 12 reps
E. Hex dumbbell grip carries, Rolling thunder Grip lifts.
Day 4 – Max Effort Lower
Warm up
- Revers Hypers – 4 x 10-15 reps @ 505 DL 1RM
- Copenhagen Planks 2 sets of 20 seconds
- Glute Ham Raises – 4 sets of 6 reps
A. Max Deadlift from 3mat blocks – just missed 340kg on top set. Missed at top as lost balance. Set up needed a little more care.
B. Transformer Bar briefs only Squats – Trebles to 250kg.
C. Romanian Deadlifts (conventional stance) – 100kg x 10, 120kg 2 x 12 reps
D. Seated cable rows – 4 x 10 reps up to 115kg
E. Thick Grip DB farmers.
Day 5 (dynamic bench)
Warm up
- banded warm ups
- Cable warm ups
- Press ups
A. Reverse Grip Speed Bench – doubled megamini bands (green elitefts) – 10 x 3 @ 45% (85kg)
B. Slingshot Bench (using Iron Forge Gym’s very own ‘BenchBolt’) – 6 x 4 @ 150kg plus doubled megaminis.
C. Single Arm Braced Dumbbell press – 3 x 10 2 22.5kg DBs
D. 6 Point Shoulder Raises (borrowed from the late great John Meadows). 2 sets.
E. EZ bar bicep curls – 3 x 10 reps @ 40kg
F. Arm wrestling cable drills (just experimenting with these for the moment and need a little more research to find some useful drills)
Not a bad week. Mildly disappointed in the missed attempt on the 3 mat block pull on friday, but won’t lose too much sleep over it as I have done this multiple times before and just wasn’t the day for it. Equipped Bench day was good and there was at least another 10-15kg left in the tank to the 3brd which is a good sign.
If you’re interested in coaching / programming for your next powerlifting competition (or any other strength related goal) then email or call 07788268672.