To all Bridge Road Barbell Members (past and present)
I hope this email finds you well. I thought I would take an opportunity first to thank those of you who have continued to support the gym throughout the period where the gym has been closed down. It has allowed the gym to survive this difficult time and endure the restrictions placed during this Covid-19 pandemic.
I am now happy to be officially reopening this Saturday(25th July) again and I want to inform people of the changes to how the gym will be operating from now on.
The gym will now be running exclusively on an ‘appointment only’ basis meaning that members and visitors alike will both have to book their sessions in advance on the website at .
Members will need to go to this page and register and set up an account. I will then approve the registration within 24hrs so please allow some time prior to attempting to log in to book your sessions. Once your account is activated you will be able to go on and book your sessions.
Day Pass Visitors will also now have to book online but will also need to pay for their sessions in advance as well.
Please note that despite this now being a requirement, no-one will be prevented from essentially resuming their previous training schedule, it will simply require taking a couple of minutes every 2-4 weeks to go online and book your sessions in.
The primary reason for this system being implemented is that it will allow me to manage capacity in the gym, and I will be able to foresee the times when the gym will be busy and equally the times when it will be quiet or even empty.
We do not usually have an issue with the gym being too busy at any given time, however due to the restrictions and rulings which have been in place due to the Corona Virus it will be essential for me to be able to display that Bridge Road Barbell has a handle on controlling the flow of people in the gym and capping capacity.
From my own perspective the booking system will allow me to manage my time much more effectively and I believe this will lead to significant improvements in the gym. Having advanced warning of people’s training times will ensure best use of the time when the gym is both quiet/empty allowing me to focus my efforts into coaching and assisting when I know the gym will be occupied. This way, I won’t end up starting a big load of administration work just before someone comes in to squat requiring a spotter.
Previously for many years now I have worked 80-85 hr weeks and whilst I love my work, it is not a sustainable set up which can continue indefinitely. Simply knowing, in advance, when the gym empties early, will give me the option of only keeping the gym open for when there are bookings. This is much more preferable than hanging on until almost 9 o’clock on the off chance that someone will come in for a late session and finding I could have left 2 hours earlier.
It will be possible to cancel or amend your bookings with 24 hours notice, and if problems arise and you are running late or need to cancel etc last minute then I will always be available via message / phone call so am certain a relative level of flexibility will be ensured so that no-one is inconvenienced by the new system.
Please contact me if you have any queries relating to any of this and I will do my best to answer.
All the best.
See you soon.
Phil Horwood
Owner, Bridge Road Barbell